Bunker Hill Housing Redevelopment


Bunker Hill Housing Redevelopment

Residential: Affordable Multi Family

Boston, MA | 2031

  • 3.3M GSF
  • 5 Companies
  • 3 Professionals


The proposed project consists of the redevelopment of the existing BHA Bunker Hill public housing development. The project scope includes the phased demolition of existing 1,100 unit BHA site (42 bldgs.) and the construction of 2,699 mixed income residential units, (15 new bldgs.) 1,010 of which are direct, income-restricted BHA replacement units (at least twenty two percent (22%) of all the residential units shall be income-restricted). The Master Proposed Project, as described, 4 assumes that the remaining one hundred (100) BHA public housing units shall be replaced elsewhere in the Charlestown neighborhood. Project includes retail/civic space, 20% of retail space shall be made available to tenants at 50% of triple net market rate. Project also includes parking and new public open space. The Proposed Master Project will include approximately, 3,287,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area. (according to "Bunker Hill Housing DPIR - CNBA 2020-02-18 .pdf, Master Plan Total: 3,083,761, Parking Total: 205,200, Residential Total: 2,878,561).

Project Owner

Boston Housing Authority

Is the project achieving or targeting net zero energy?


Is the project Net Zero or Net Zero Ready?

Net Zero Ready

Project Size in GSF


Category of height


Number of residential units


How is the building all-electric for heating?

Air-source Heat Pump

Is the service hot water all-electric?


On-site renewable energy


Is the owner purchasing off-site renewable energy to offset all electricity consumption?


Certifications related to Energy / Carbon


Site EUI Energy Use Intensity is the amount of energy a project uses per square foot over the course of a year. Site EUI = Annual Energy Use (kBtus) / Building(s) Area (ft²) / One Year (yr)

19.2 kBtu/sf/year

Net Site EUI

17.9 kBtu/sf/year

What is the climate zone for this project?

5A Cool Humid

Project Team

Plumbing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Energy Engineering
Sustainability Consulting
  • Daniel Perez



    3.5M GSF

    3 Projects

    4 Years Experience