Middle School
Education K-12
MA | 2023
- 105K GSF
- 1 Company
- 1 Professional
This new 105,000 sf middle school replaces an aging and over-capacityfacility built in the 1950s. In addition to modern, flexible learning environments, the new school also emphasizes the wellbeing of its occupants and the environment with its design. Vanderweil’s design efforts included the detailed an all-electric ground-source heat pump system and coordination for a future rooftop PV array PPA for the new school to be fossil-fuel free and net-zero ready.
Project Owner
Public School
Is the project achieving or targeting net zero energy?
Is the project Net Zero or Net Zero Ready?
Net Zero Ready
Project Size in GSF
Category of height
Number of residential units
How is the building all-electric for heating?
Ground-source Heat Pump
Is the service hot water all-electric?
On-site renewable energy
Is the owner purchasing off-site renewable energy to offset all electricity consumption?
The construction cost difference from "conventional" to being net zero "ready" (including incentives) for this building is
We didn't calculate the cost premium
Site EUI Energy Use Intensity is the amount of energy a project uses per square foot over the course of a year. Site EUI = Annual Energy Use (kBtus) / Building(s) Area (ft²) / One Year (yr)
35.0 kBtu/sf/year
Net Site EUI
0.0 kBtu/sf/year
The EUI is
What is the climate zone for this project?
5A Cool Humid