Brockton Behavioral Health Center


Brockton Behavioral Health Center


Brockton, MA | 2022

  • 57K GSF
  • 2 Companies
  • 4 Professionals


This redevelopment of a former 1960’s nursing home created a total of 82 treatment beds in a net-zero facility that prioritizes dignity and safety for both patients and staff. The behavioral health center was purposefully located in a demographically diverse city to take a meaningful step forward in addressing treatment disparities among underserved populations.

The ongoing mental health crisis in Massachusetts is deteriorating the collective welfare of communities, and stems from a lack of licensed treatment beds along with an extraordinary workforce crunch. The Behavioral Health Center addresses both by contributing licensed beds to the healthcare ecosystem while creating a healing environment where staff feel safe and valued.

Project Owner

Boston Medical Center

Is the project achieving or targeting net zero energy?


Is the project Net Zero or Net Zero Ready?

Net Zero Ready

Project Size in GSF


Category of height


How is the building all-electric for heating?

Ground-source Heat Pump

What other systems are used for heating?

Exhaust-source Heat Pump

Is the service hot water all-electric?


What is the primary system type for domestic hot water?

Ground-source heat pump

On-site renewable energy


Is the owner purchasing off-site renewable energy to offset all electricity consumption?


The construction cost difference from "conventional" to being net zero "ready" (including incentives) for this building is

We didn't calculate the cost premium

Site EUI Energy Use Intensity is the amount of energy a project uses per square foot over the course of a year. Site EUI = Annual Energy Use (kBtus) / Building(s) Area (ft²) / One Year (yr)

52.5 kBtu/sf/year

Net Site EUI

0.0 kBtu/sf/year

The EUI is


Carbon Emissions Intensity (CEI)


What is the climate zone for this project?

5A Cool Humid

Project Team

Plumbing Engineering
  • CMTA

    In Business Since 1968

    245.2K GSF

    4 Projects

    3 Professionals

Mechanical Engineering
  • CMTA

    In Business Since 1968

    245.2K GSF

    4 Projects

    3 Professionals

Electrical Engineering
  • CMTA

    In Business Since 1968

    245.2K GSF

    4 Projects

    3 Professionals

Sustainability Consulting
  • Nicole Voss


    Director of Sustainability

    378.3K GSF

    3 Projects

    15 Years Experience